Sunday, October 17, 2010


The moral majority apparently have a dislike for New York City, but manage to light up a pulpit and cross with more lights than they have in all of Times Square(  They have multiple infomercials and used car salesmen (I mean televangelists and reverends) that are almost as believable as the "ShamWow" and "Slap Chop" guy, Vince.  I could hear it now, "you will love my nuts".  No shortage of nuts out there, and they love their fellow nuts.

It seems a very greedy few prey on the simple, honest, and hard working people from rural America, brainwashing them into giving a percentage of their income (like taxes) for their own personal gain, and advertising to further their wealth(  How can people be so gullible to fall for these scam artists?  Some people believe they have no other choice, they genuinely need help, and need guidance, but do not know where to go, or have anywhere to go.   I believe part of that smokescreen is being blown by the politicians who get elected with the money and support of these religious entertainers.

It also comes as no surprise that when doing my research, politicians names are speckled throughout the articles and searches (IE:  Gingrich, Palin, etc.).  If there really was an all knowing God, some of these truly self serving people would have been aborted or never born, which is probably why they fight abortion so fervently, and preach against birth control.  Notice I said preach and not practice, there seems to be no limit to their blatant disregard for the average person's intuitiveness and plain common sense.  I seem to come across many articles involving sex scandals of the "moral right" politicians and also the religious leaders that support them.  Why do their followers continue to support them?  How stupid do they think the rest of us are?  Do as I say, not as I do.

And as much as  I hate to admit it, stupidity runs rampant everywhere.  I can't excuse Al Sharpton in New York.  He intimidates his audience into believing whatever crap comes out of his mouth through the use of race, when race is not even the issue.  Stupid is not prejudiced, but people are afraid to oppose him, for fear they are labeled racist.  To make matters worse, he is a Reverend as well as a politician.  So much for separation of Church and State.  Not only are you a racist for questioning him, but blasphemous as well. I do have to say that he did figure out two ways to raise tax free money, and he manages to get it from both ends.  I just do not think I should be taking it from the wrong end.  Someone should figure out how to separate his church from his state.  The left is just as bad as the right, that's why I am stuck in the middle.

What do these politicians and self proclaimed religious leaders have in common (other than the obvious sales pitches)?  They manage to find enough people dumb enough to listen and donate, and when there aren't enough people, they support each other to gain more supporters:  An inbreeding of supporters.  Fortunately for them, stupidity has no racial or gender bias, there are plenty of stupid people in all walks of life.  Unfortunate for the rest of us who have to sit quietly and take it, and in some cases even forced to suffer the political consequences.  They take advantage of their own kind, and then believe that you should fall for it as well.

The BIG FU goes to the abusers of power within church and state, preying on the weak (of mind), instead of using their abilities for the actual good their organizations originally stood for.  Donations are meant to help the hungry, the homeless, the sick, and the poor...Not fuel their private jets, furnish their mansions, go straight to their paychecks, and pay for another advertisement to get more votes or donations.  If they want all of those material things, they should get a REAL job, work hard, and buy those things with their own damned money(blasphemy intentional).  Do unto others as you would have done unto you.[Matthew 7:12]

Next week......I believe in god, with a lowercase g.

I do donate to my local church, I can see where they put in their time and our donations and the good that they do with them.  I see how they help people who need help, and not abuse their positions of influence for their own personal gain.  


  1. Thanks for getting my blood boiling Andy. The televangelists make me nuts- "Preying" is the best way to put it (And an interesting play on words). Those people who are looking for faith and needing something to believe in don't deserve to be taken advantage of. But Sharpton makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. What makes me craziest is that he makes certain situations what they're not- to the point that when real situations of bias and prejudice come along, people are less likely to believe or respond. As for his "religious" sense- there just is none.

  2. Hi Andy,
    I don't like the televangelists from those mega-churches. All they do it make millions for themselves. I think Al Sharpton is highly intelligent guy that's developed his notoriety around race issues. I liked him when he ran for President - he said a lot of things that made sense, but now he's reverted to making everything about race just as he always did - as Dimitria said, even when it's not. That doesn't help anyone.

  3. thank you for the comments, I am still debating this weeks topic, god with a lower case g, because so many other stupid things hapening in the news, like the "tea party express", which is the "polar express" for ignorant adults. I just can't get over the fact that their are that many stupid people out there.
