Monday, July 25, 2011

The Truth About Debt and Taxes

Everyone in the media is in a panic over the "debt ceiling" and how it needs to be raised.  The reality is the country is being held hostage by a bunch of ignorant morons who think the majority of us are as stupid as the people who elected them.  Yes, I am talking about every Republican politician who think democrats actually want to raise taxes.

Guess what?  They don't!  They only want to close the tax loopholes on the few Republicans controlling the mindless inbred followers they have electing people like Boner (I changed the name to protect the stupid) into office.  The only taxes anyone talked about were the ones people and corporations were not paying, and should have been paying. 

I wrote in the past about a flat tax, please click the link (  It also is a replay of what I think of the Tea Party movement, and unfortunately I mentioned a few of the idiot politicians who didn't get elected, but one Tea Party cry baby did make it through, John Boehner. 

If you review the article, it goes over how these people use scare tactics, fear, and mostly ignorant stupidity to force through an agenda of propaganda and just plain bull shit.  The reason why I even write anything at all is because I need to know if people are all really that stupid?  It angers me.

I was brought up to be good to people, all people, even stupid people.  Apparently, if you are a politician in the Tea Party, you are either taught to take advantage of these simple and ignorant people, or you are a puppet being told what to do by the "money men".

The "money men" you ask?  I first apologize for being politically incorrect, but it just didn't sound right as "money people".  Lobbyists for Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, the oil companies, and pretty much any "recession proof" industry are the money men. 

Sarah Palin?  George W?  John Boehner?  Would you let any of these idiots even attempt to balance your check book?    They can't even count how many zeros are in a trillion, and we have them dealing with trillions of dollars in a budget.

Boehner is trying to bully the president, and if the president could show the same balls he had to eliminate bin laden, Boehner would be crying right now on Fox news "he hit me, and then called me stupid, and then said if I don't agree to anything he'll hit me where it really hurts, my own wallet" (fill in snivelling and sniffling).  He says the president wants to avoid this being an issue next year, when really he should be worrying about it being an issue next year. 

The Big FU goes to anyone and everyone who can't figure out that we all pay taxes, and we actually pay more than our fair share, UNLESS you make a lot more than the 250k(lets say over 3 million) they keep talking about, or you are a corporation (insert name of your favorite oil company here, or Haliburton).  These are the loopholes they are trying to close, but my favorite Tea Party morons want to actually raise my taxes and every one's taxes, except for their CASH supporters (not the ignorant ones, the "money men").

Next week-Hopefully our debt rating will still be triple A, not that Boehner and his friends would know, they can't spell either.  IF our debt rating is not, I will not be able to afford the $1000.00 an hour it will cost for my cable bill, and will have to wait for my income to catch up to the revaluation of the dollar.

One side note I would like to add-  The only balanced budget (actually a surplus) that we the United States actually had did happen in our lifetime, and it happened when we had a president who did not know how to balance a budget (look up Arkansas and bankruptcy) but he was effective enough as a manager to put the right people in place.  The deficit would have no longer been in existence, it was due to be paid by now, or very close to being paid by now.  Unfortunately, we the people (not all the people) were more hung up on a blow job and then proceeded to get a snow job for the next 10 years. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy,
    I agree with most of what you said here. Why is the shrinking middle class (mostly now lower middle class - and sinking fast) so happy to contribute to their own demise by voting against their own interests? I don't understand this?
