Sunday, September 26, 2010

Protect the Amish Country Popcorn Factory from Terrorists!

The Mule Day Parade in Columbia, Tennessee (which, according to the city’s website, draws over 200,000 spectators each year for the week-long event) is part of the National Asset Database, as well as the Amish Country Popcorn Factory.  What is the National Asset Database( A list of over 77,000 "national assets" that are critical to the nation's infrastructure.  Indiana had over 8600 "critical assets", almost as many as New York and California combined.

Who put these "critical assets" on the National Asset Database?  A bunch of local politicians and officials across the country, mostly in hopes to secure more homeland security funds.   The two "assets" above are just examples of how ridiculous these unnamed officials and politicians can be.  How do you actually take these people and who they represent seriously? 

These "politicians" are the people that represent the vast majority of our country, in congress as well as the senate.  Seems like Wall St has been bailing out Main St for as long as there has been a United States.  I can tell you personally that this is why I write these weekly articles.  How stupid do you think I am?  How stupid do you think we all are?  My 4 year old has a better sense of what is critical to the nation's infrastructure, and he can even say "national infrastructure", which is more than some of these politicians and there constituents can say.

How do these politicians, and the idiots who elect them, go on to become senators and high ranking politicians who manage committees that spend our vast majority of tax dollars where it matters?  The general media (extreme left OR right) prop up these people and their "Mule Day parade" or "Popcorn factory"  into positions of national prominence.

The Big FU goes to these politicians, and the morons that keep electing them.  I am educated, as are my friends and family, so stop shoveling this "mule" crap down our collective throats.  If you want our country to run properly, stop the "Mule Day" master of ceremonies from having a say in matters of national importance, after all, a mule is just another type of  "ass".

Next week, the tea party.  Apparently, its more than a bunch of little girls talking to their teddy bears, but not much more.


  1. Loved this one Andy! So true - lets get real about a what a "critical asset" is. To me, while I'm no expert, a "critical asset" would be places such as disaster control and command centers, water treatment plants, electric companies, gas companies, hospitals, food storage centers, important arteries of mass transportation, or locations housing mass media transmitters that would be vital to our survival in the case of an attack. Let's get real here!

  2. Yes Angela, they did have that outline, and selected water treatment plants, etc but they also tried to expand to large people gatherings, just not educated enough to know that a mule day parade is not going to grind the country to a halt. I know I didn't know about the mule day parade until I researched this article, and I doubt Al Quaida is plotting for this one. I think they like mules in his part of the world. If a mule day parade is a target, they would have to look amongst themselves and the loonies they breed through ignorance and teachings (ie McVeigh). Even he knew what a critical target was: a federal building, not a mule festival.
